What your coaching website needs in order to attract high-end leads into your business | Brand Strategy + messaging for conversion | Fabi Paolini Brand Strategy Coach Branding Web Design for Online Business

What your coaching website needs to attract high-end leads

What your coaching website needs in order to attract high-end leads into your business | Brand Strategy + messaging for conversion | Fabi Paolini Brand Strategy Coach Branding Web Design for Online Business

want a coaching website that attracts high-end leads?

As a Brand Strategist and Web Designer, I have build many, many websites over the years created with the full intention of attracting high-end leads for my clients' businesses.

At the end of the day, what we want is to make sure that the websites we create for ourselves are actually serving a purpose - not just gathering virtual dust as nobody logs in to see what we are all about.

When I started building websites back in the days where you actually needed to code and to know how to program in order to be successful, I would create sites just because I liked the idea of them looking pretty.

Ah, how naive of me to think that creating a pretty website was all that it took to be successful. The truth is that every piece of a website has to be built with absolute intention and with the strategy behind it, especially if we are looking to attract high-end leads into our businesses.

It took me a lot of research, investing, time, resources, and - frankly - quite a bit of tears, to realize that a website is supposed to be the tool that can lead you to success if done correctly.

After all, your website should be treated like your hub. As in - the place that will allow you to showcase your ideal clients exactly what you are all about while giving them an opportunity to qualify themselves into becoming your clients.

The truth is that depending only on Social Media as a means to gain clients can be super problematic. Your Social Media followers simply aren't your own, and as audiences get more sophisticated over time, they will want to research what you are about before they make a purchasing decision - especially if you are selling something high-end.

That being said, I wanted to break down exactly what you need to have in your website as an online coach if you want to be able to bring in consistent high-end leads into your business.

If you want to find out more about what it takes to position yourself as THE solution your ideal clients want online, check out this masterclass below (you have direct access to it), it will break down the details like never before. 


The first thing that you need in order to make sure that your website attracts high-end leads, is to make sure that you have created a very clear and compelling message.

In order for you to do this, you need to understand two fundamental things:

  1. Who you are as a brand and what makes you different from anyone else
  2. EXACTLY who your ideal audience is and the problems that they have

The reason why these two elements are important is that they are going to shape every single piece of your brand and the message you are putting out there.

You want to make sure that your website doesn't sound exactly like everyone else's out there. That the words you are using allow you to really stand out from the crowd. Here’s more about differentiating yourself from the rest. 

You also need to make sure that the content is very specifically speaking to the right group - and for this, you have to know what your audience wants.

People often worry that if their message is TOO specific, they will leave people out when the opposite is true. The MORE specific your message is, the more of the right people you will attract. 

I mean, what good is it to have a website that attracts a lot of traffic and high-end leads- but of people that are simply 100% NOT the right fit at all?

I would rather your content be very specific so that you can attract more of the correct coaching clients into your business instead of the ones that won’t see the value behind what you are doing.

That being said, your positioning statement and core message are extremely important in you being able to build a website that actually gets you results.

I like to make sure that at the home page of your website, at the very top, you are clearly communicating what you do, who you do it for and what is the benefit from working with you.

The more specific you are, the more of the right people will see this and realize that you have exactly what they are looking for. Here you can read more about understanding your ideal audience. 

For example, Kacy is a Financial Coach and we wanted to make sure that her message was really clear. This means that when you land on her website, you immediately get a sense of what she’s doing and the results that this can bring into her clients’ lives.

The main takeaway I want you to get out of this is that when you leverage the things that make you unique while speaking directly to your audiences’ needs, you are able to position yourself as an authority and cut through the noise as you attract the high-end client that has the exact problem you can solve, straight into your website. 


I don’t know the reason why certain coaches like to be sneaky about what it is that they sell. They hold back from sharing the truth around their offer almost like if it’s a top-secret. I believe that for you to be able to actually turn the leads that land into your website into actual clients, you have to be open and frontal about what it is that you do.

Having a solid “Work With Me” page or at least a program sales page is SO important because you are, once again, pre-qualifying the people who could benefit from the results that you are able to deliver.

Adding the price is completely up to you, but here are things that can’t be missing from your sales page or offer page:

  • You need to talk about what the problem your ideal audience has with a “does this sound like you” type of section that clearly points out what you can help people with
  • You need to explain what your solution is. This doesn’t mean you will add pages and pages of copy to do that, but you want to give at least your 30ft view of what you do, ideally by showing what your framework entails
  • You want to give them the benefits that will come from working with you. In other words, what are the types of results they can expect?

What you don’t need are all the features: how many modules it is, how many calls they get, whether you will give them workbooks or not. Those are things that you can include in your sales call or in a pdf or guide that you give them that breaks everything down even further. 

For me, one of the most important things is using your “Work With Me” page to show why and how you are different from the rest and how your solution is something that they haven’t seen before. 

When I work with my clients and students, I make sure that they build their own framework that will allow them to be positioned as authorities and the solutions their clients need.

For example, my client Shay, who is a happiness coach created the WABA framework, which allows his clients to develop their Wisdom, Awareness, Boldness and Authenticity in a way that no one else out there is teaching. 

This means that when his ideal clients come across his brand and website, they can see what he is doing as something genuinely unique and different from other things that are out there.

The main takeaway I want you to get out of this is that when you showcase your offer in a unique way and present it while explaining the outcome you provide, you can confidently attract high-end, premium clients while getting your audience to see you as the solution that they need.



Listen, I don’t think I need to go into extreme detail explaining the importance of having a brand that visually represents your value. It is fundamental for you to make sure that if you want to get results with your website - especially if this involves attracting high-end clients into your business, you need to make sure that you have a website that does the job for you. Period.

What this means is that if you want to attract high-end leads, you need to make sure that your brand looks high-end as well. The truth is that we live in a Google world and we search for everything. Heck, I don’t even step into a restaurant without Googling to see if they have what I like, I’m sure you can relate.

I don’t ever make a high-end purchasing decision is the website and brand of the person I’m going to buy from looks sketchy. To be honest, it completely throws me off and you can convince yourself all you want that your website doesn’t matter - but the questions is, why would you?

If you had a website and brand that looked high-end or at least did a good job positioning you as the solution your clients need - why wouldn’t you want that? Sure, you could potentially get clients without a website, but how many more sales could you be making if you DID have one - especially if it was well designed and created?

The truth is that the people willing to spend $3k or more on your coaching services won’t do it based on a hunch - unless you are REALLY good at sales - and even then, why wouldn’t you want to have a brand that would make things easier for you?

If you think about the most successful businesses out there, I guarantee you that they didn’t do it by creating a nice Facebook group. Each of the people you admire have websites and brands and there’s a reason for it.

But, you don’t want just any website, you want to make sure you have something that really visually can represent that value you are able to deliver. That is THE THING that will make you stand out from the rest.

Like for example, take my client Melicia - can you honestly say that this change - this before and after your see below isn’t massive? You can immediately see the value behind the second design, whereas the first one looks a little bit amateur. 



At the end of the day, we are here to build credibility and to let our clients know that they can trust us. This is especially true is you are building a business online where 99% of your potential clients are total strangers on the Internet.

For me, it’s about the way in which you are showing up as a brand. Are you really representing your value? Are you giving people a reason to trust you? This is the key that comes from having a brand that truly captivates the right people - while leveraging your essence in the process.

All this to say that building success with a website IS absolutely possible for your business - but you need the right strategy to make it happen. Which one were you missing? Let me know by sending me a message right over here.

What your coaching website needs in order to attract high-end leads into your business | Brand Strategy + messaging for conversion | Fabi Paolini Brand Strategy Coach Branding Web Design for Online Business Infographic

How to Determine Your Brand and develop your verbal and visual brand | Brand Strategy and design | Branding | Fabi Paolini
Why your marketing isn't working and the 3 things you need to do to fix it | Fabi Paolini Brand strategy and online business coach

Of course, having a great message and an outstanding offer isn’t enough. Once you have these 2 pieces defined, you need to make sure that you have an actual strategy that will turn those people landing on your website into real-life leads.

What does that mean? Well, you want to be able to invite people into a funnel that you created which pushes the goal you have for your business. Is it to get people to purchase your online course? Is it to get people to book a call with you? This funnel needs to be created with the purpose of inviting people into your next step.

I talk about funnels and list-building in much more detail over here. 

Ideally, what you want to do is make sure that you are focused on 3 fundamental things:

  1. Positioning your authority, building credibility and showing your audience that you can solve the problem that they have. You do this by making sure that your conversion event or sales funnel brings people through a journey where you are revealing how you can help them without necessarily being pushy at all.
  2. Overcoming your ideal audience’s objections by making sure that you are addressing them in the content you have created. For example, if you did a webinar or a video sales letter, you want to make sure that throughout your video, you are speaking to the things that you know will likely show up in your sales process.
  3. You want to make sure that you are getting people to take action. There has to be an extremely clear next step. I know this might sound simple or silly, but very often, people miss out on this fundamental part of the process.

For example, with my client Dr. Jim Rives, and Executive Coach, we created a short video that very clearly speaks to the problems that his ideal audience has and this allows him to turn those people into high-end leads while making more sales.

Once you have created a marketing strategy that does the three things stated above, your website is ready to receive traffic that will turn into high-end leads.

Here, you want to create a marketing strategy that will allow you to drive traffic to your website. For this, there are a variety of organic and paid tactics that you can follow.

  • You can consistently write blog posts with well-thought-out content and SEO (Search Engine Optimization) as part of your strategy. Meaning, you write articles that will allow you to rank higher in search engines such as Google. Having an SEO expert like Damon Burton by your side to gain higher rankings on the SERPs mean more traffic, more eyes on your content and, ultimately, more sales. You can learn more about SEO on indexsy
  • You can create an intentional strategy within Pinterest in order to drive more traffic into your website, making sure that every blog post has an entry point into your funnel
  • You can run paid Facebook ads that will invite people to your website and into your strategy

These are just 3 simple examples you can follow. I personally do them all and this what has allowed me to generate 10-30 leads PER DAY, organically (meaning, not paid) into my business.

This is all part of creating a powerful customer journey that can turn cold leads into high-end, paying clients.

The main takeaway I want you to get out of this is that when you are able to create a magnetic marketing strategy, it should lead you to organically generate leads every single day, which turn into high-end discovery calls for your business (and therefore, sales).

I do a complete breakdown of this process in a ton of detail in the video below. Sign up to get instant access to it right now.

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