What you need to have in order to build a multiple 6 figure business

For the first two and a half years of relaunching my business in a new country (that whole story here), I hustled my way through life. I worked non-stop and totally obsessed over my business. I counted every last penny I was making, and I tried to control all the things. What resulted was me living my life in absolute and total exhaustion. It also left me feeling kind of disconnected from my life. Yes, I was present - in theory - for my family. I was physically there for them, but mentally? Not so much. I was always worried or thinking about my business.

I got to a point where I understood that this situation was not going to be sustainable at all. I mean, really? Does success really mean working like a mad person and not living your life?

At the end of the day, the real reason why I was building my business was to have more freedom - and the truth is that the lifestyle I had built for myself looked far from freedom.

So I made fundamental changes to my business and life that actually made a massive difference to it all. The biggest surprise? My bottom line. What I uncovered was that the more that I focused on the things I really loved, the more money I made. Today, I work only 3-5 hours a day, from Monday to Thursday, and my income has radically increased. I am more connected to my family, to my clients and to myself and I absolutely love every minute of it. I have built a multiple six-figure business with total ease and I want to share with you the 5 most powerful keys you need to know and have in place that took me to where I am that will completely transform your own business and life.


So I know that you might just have given me a bit of an eye-roll right now. Yeah yeah, we all know that mindset is important, right? But hear me out for a minute. When I talk about mindset, I don't necessarily mean journaling and visualizing every single day. Both of these activities are recommended, for sure, but what I really mean is making sure you are completely focused with all that you do.

At the end of the day, every single one of us is going to face multiple obstacles and challenges in our businesses. What happens when your mindset isn't on point, is that what I call the little monster, aka. self-doubt, and negative thoughts are going to pop up. You are going to question yourself and every single move you make. You are also going to wonder whether or not you are going to make it. Those negative thoughts are okay and normal, but, when we aren't focused and strong with our mindset, those thoughts and beliefs can take over everything. So that means that it's really easy for us to spiral out of control. We go down this rabbit hole where every negative scenario is player over and over in our heads. Ouch!

Meanwhile, what we don't realizing is that we are wasting too much time. Rather than being resourceful and in tune with our heart or intuition, we are stuck in our heads and in worry. And that place? That place rarely gives us results.

So what you want to be able to do is make sure that your mind is in the right place. Now, that doesn't mean that fear will never come up, it just means you need to be hyper aware of those moments so that you can handle them quickly and get past the B.S. and focus on what does need your focus.

Having that mindset in the right place is truly going to change the game for you because it means you are working more from heart, and therefore moving forward faster in your business. Which, of course, means that you end up making more money, with more ease.

Pretty simple concept, right?

a rock-solid brand

The second thing that every single entrepreneur needs to have in order to build a multiple six-figure business with total ease is a really rock-solid brand. Listen, it's impossible to go through business without finding competition along the way. I actually believe that competition is really good for us because it pushes us to be better. That being said, if you want to build a successful business with ease you need to have total clarity in your brand.

I usually focus on this by building your complete Brand Strategy Pyramid. 

This means that you are not leaving any element to chance, but you have clarity around your brand, your business and your message.

You need to have total clarity in your brand message. There's honestly no way to build a business without this. What this means is understanding what it is that you do and the true benefit or result of what you offer. For example, while on paper my business is all about helping entrepreneurs build brands that attract online while creating breakthroughs for their business, in truth what I do is all about confidence. This means that it's about giving these amazing entrepreneurs the confidence and strength they need to be successful. And I get that. I know exactly what it is that I stand for. This allows every piece of communication that comes from my brand to be on-point. It also means that as I grow my team (more on that later), they can know exactly what it is that we are doing.

The other side of this, is understanding how you do it different than anyone else. Having ease in your business comes from easily differentiating yourself making you the no-brainer choice for your audience. You have to understand what makes you different and stand authentically and genuinely in those differences. I guarantee that once you step more into yourself and your uniqueness, it will completely transform the way you show up and the way that others perceive you as a brand.

I actually created a guide that will help you build all the pieces of the brand strategy pyramid. You can download it right here:

a clear structure

The next thing every single entrepreneur needs to have in place in order to build a multiple six-figure business with ease is structure. When I talk about structure, I mean several things.

On one hand, you will need to have a very strong and powerful lead-generation system. In other words, your marketing strategy needs to be automated and on-point. Now, granted, this is something that can take you some time to figure out at first, but if you focus on building your complete brand strategy pyramid, it will come easier that you can imagine. I actually explain this process in a lot more detail in this amazing Masterclass called: What Your Marketing Strategy Actually Needs (you need to check it out).

Now, one thing that is important for you to understand is that there is a difference between list-building a lead-generation. List building for me is literally about increasing the size of your email list or following. On the other hand, lead generation is about having a strategy in place that will lead that list into becoming potential clients. It's really important that you have that sort of structure for your business, and for that to happen, you need to have the systems and the platform in place to make it happen.

On the other hand, when I talk about structure, I mean clarity on where to expand. Now, with this I'm not trying to say that you need to know right now what sort of service or program you will be launching 10 years from now, but I mean knowing where your opportunities to scale your business are going to be.

So for example, I currently offer 2 options to work with me in my business. It's either working with me 1:1 or joining my group program Breakthrough Brand. I am completely clear that through my 1:1 I am limited in the way I scale my business. Sure, I can continue raising prices as my service gets better and as my clients get bigger and better result, but it's still limited because simply said, there's a cap to how many people I can serve at a time. I like to give my clients a lot of special attention, and there are a lot of parts that I do for them (a 30 page Brand Strategy book, logo design, web design, lead generation setup, templates and more). This means that I physically am limited to take on more people than I can manage.

On the other hand, my program Breakthrough Brand is the ideal place for me to scale my business. It's an 8-week program that is extremely powerful where I am teaching entrepreneurs everything they need to know to build, grow or scale their businesses while - you guessed it - creating massive breakthroughs. I am still highly present for my squad, we do weekly live calls and I offer them constant support while not having to overwork myself in the process (if you are curious, you can find our more about it here). This is what clearly will take my business to 7 figures.

I have the structure and systems in place for this to happen while STILL having time to spend with my family and being able to grow with total ease. Makes sense?

a team

The next thing that entrepreneurs need to have in order to build a business with ease is a team. Plain and simple. If it's your first time hiring employees, you can visit https://www.makipeople.com/resources/how-to-streamline-your-retail-volume-hiring-strategy to learn how you can streamline your hiring process.

Now, with that, I'm not saying that you need to hire everyone straight up, because I'm a firm believer that you have to at least have an understanding of the area before you delegate it. However, having a team will completely change your business.

For me, I took longer than I want to admit to hire a team of people to take care of the things that were crucial. Now, because I have a very strong lead generation system, it means that on any week I get between 6-10 leads coming into my business. Meaning, 6-10 calls. Which IN OTHER WORDS means 6-10 hours on the phone (plus follow-up calls) every single week. I didn't realize how exhausting this was for me until I hired an amazing team member and On-boarding Specialist to handle these calls for me.

Now, I have to admit that at first, I literally freaked out because I felt so strange having so much more free time on my hands. Then I realized it was something that I definitely needed to do. Today I have a Pinterest Manager, a Facebook Ads guy, and an accountant/financial advisor. Having these people in my life have given me back my sanity - and time.

You can delegate the things that you don't need to do yourself - specially if hiring them out means that you get your life back! You can find Virtual Assistants that can help you out with so much at a pretty darn good price and trust me when I say these people will do more for your bottom line than you can even imagine.

real support

So that's it! These are the 5 most powerful keys that I believe every single business needs to have in place in order to build a business with ease. All of them are things I have - literally - invested on. But listen, I wouldn't be on my way to making 7 figures, while having an amazing life, if I hadn't given each of these keys the importance and attention that they need!

You can watch me talk about this in much more detail right here:

Finally, it all comes down to having the support you need to getting to the next level. For me that support comes down to the people who you surround yourself with. That usually starts with the people that are literally around you - your family, your friends, your partners. These are all people that should be lifting you up every single step of the way. Challenging you in good ways to grow more. You have to make the conversations around money and life and mindset and business the most normal thing in the world. I remember going to a workshop where people where talking about how they were charging $50k or making $100k months and thinking - wow, this is amazing!

Sometimes it means expanding your circle of friends to people who WILL find these conversations the most natural thing in the world. Other times it means getting IT outstaffing to take you to the next level faster. Listen, you can't be so stubborn to think that you can figure it all out on your own. I mean, why would you even want to?

Hiring the coaches, the guides, or the advisors that will open up your mind and serve as a sounding board is absolutely a must if you plan on building a successful business. Want to build that same successful business with total ease? Then it's a deal breaker. Meaning - you freaking need it. There's no other way around it. For me, hiring coaches and doing online programs or going to live events has been fundamental to my own success.


When should you hire a branding expert? Here are 5 signs. Click to read more! by Fabi Paolini

Build Breakthroughs in your business by using the brand strategy pyramid | Fabi Paolini | Brand strategy and design

How to successfully build a five figure business that makes multiple 5 figures a month. The simple 5-step process I followed that you need to do as well. Includes a 25 point checklist of ways you can boost your business and brand today! Fabi Paolini Branding strategy + Design.

Choosing your ideal client and creating a statement about the audience you take on as clients. Branding and business