What can you do in order to prevent the Coronavirus from affecting your business? Here are 4 tips every business should follow to thrive during these times | Entrepreneur | Fabi Paolini | Online Business Coach

4 tips to Coronavirus proof your business

Coronavirus & recession proof your business

The last few weeks have been....interesting, to say the least. I don't think that anyone (except Bill Gates, apparently) could have predicted how the world was going to turn upside-down for all of us, so fast.

As an Online Business Coach, I have seen my clients panic and then go back to feeling reassured within minutes. Honestly, I felt exactly the same way at first. How would this impact my business? How would it change my sales? 

I couldn't help but ask these questions every minute of every day. That is, until, I saw my Brand Strategy Calls go up and my bank account increase as well. Why? People realize that there has never been a better time to build or have an online business than right now - and the urgency has increased now more than ever.

Not only that, I have been implementing a few different strategies that have helped me stay visible and relevant during these times. This is why I wanted to share with you four different tips to Coronavirus-proof and recession-proof your business that have helped me and my clients move forward.

Join the Conversation

Let's face it, it's not business as usual. Everyone is impacted by the situastion in one way or another. Whether it's your business or your personal life or even your anxiety bubbling up, the reality is that no one is completely immune to the situation.

My best recommendation for you is to make sure you join in on the conversation. Actively talk about what is going on and give an honest update on your business and life as you navigate through it all. 

Talk to your audience about how this is personally affecting you or your brand and help create that sense of community. At the end of the day, if anything, the Coronavirus has brought the whole world together. I find solace in the fact that everyone, everywhere is going through the exact same thing. This means that you want to join the conversation and give your audience value through your own experience.

Let people in on how this is impacting you and use your voice to give value to your audience as well. 

Reassess your Brand Message

I believe that this is a perfect time for you to reassess the way in which you are communicating to your audience. You need to truly be able to to connect back to your core message and ask yourself:

  • What is the real result my clients get when working with me?
  • What is the benefit I can help them obtain during these difficult times?
  • What outcome will I help them achieve?

You want to truly understand these things as they relate to the crisis going on right now. You see, at the end of the day, the Coronavirus didn't eliminate problems. If anything, issues are only getting amplified.

For example, if you were having a hard time generating leads before, it will only become more difficult during these times. If you were having marriage issues, they will only get worse as you are stuck at home with your spouse. The list can continue.

What this means to you is that you need to find a way to communicate to your audience and get them to see why the service you are offering them is a must and not a nice-to-have. Make people move from want to need in regards to what you are offering.

I think that it's crucial for you to connect the dots and find even better ways to communicate with your audience.

Show up like an authority

One of the most important things you need to understand is that this is not the time to retreat and hide. I get that you are nervous. I get that fear can be holding you back right now - but this is not the time to step down. If anything, this is your moment to shine.

A few days ago I was feeling my energy go down, so I decided to focus on working for my clients and giving them value. And then I got a message from one of my clients that made me remember why I do the things I do.

You see, at the end of the day, even with all the madness going on right now, your people still need you, and you are being called to lead the way. So show up as a leader, give your audience the guidance that they need during these times. Give free value or tips, or even just support by showing up. 

Reach out to your clients or your followers on Social Media and let them know that you are here for them. I sent out an email inviting all of my students and clients on a group call to give them additional support. 

Most importantly - I'm showing up every single day, whether I'm doing videos on how to work from home (I've been doing it for the last 12 years), or how to still build your business or generate leads (I have this training that walks you through this in detail), think about what type of advice you can give your audience, and go for it. 

Get better at marketing

Finally, I believe that this is the perfect time to get creative with your marketing strategies and to give your audience more value than ever before. I like creating live conversion events - which are content to conversion strategies - that allow me to keep on building my business.

My message is now more focused on giving my audience tips and ideas that could help them through this difficult time. I'm doing daily videos on my Facebook Group, I'm sharing posts on my Instagram andsocial media, I've changed my Facebook ads strategy to speak more directly to the problems my audience is facing:

What's true is this: this is NOT the time to STOP marketing. If anything, this is the time to go in and improve your marketing strategies. Cutting back on marketing might protect your short-term income, however, over time your brand will become weaker and you risk getting completely lost in the crowd. You definitely do not want that.

I actually have a masterclass where I walk your through exactly what you need to do in order to position your authority and generate more sales even during the Coronavirus or economic recession. Sign up for that below:

What matters most is that you find a way to stay relevant with your audience and give them different avenues to reaching you and your business. Trust me, it will positively impact you along the way.

Implementing these strategies is what has allowed me to increase sales during the past few weeks and has let my own clients stay moving forward during these difficult times.

What are you doing in your own business to move forward? Are you staying connected with your audience?I hope you are doing the same.


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