Four reasons why you are not making sales in your business and how to fix them. Having a hard time making sales and attracting clients? Here's what to do. Small Business, entrepreneur. Fabi Paolini Brand Strategy Coach. Branding and digital marketing

4 reasons why you are not making sales in your business

Four reasons why you are not making sales in your business and how to fix them. Having a hard time making sales and attracting clients? Here's what to do. Small Business, entrepreneur. Fabi Paolini Brand Strategy Coach. Branding and digital marketing

not making sales as an online coach? here is what to do

There’s nothing more frustrating and annoying than putting all of your heart and work towards building success in your business as an online coach, only to hear crickets and, basically, have to bend over backward in order to bring clients in. I remember when I was just starting out with my online business - that feeling of excitement when someone would contact me or ask me for a proposal (that’s how I used to work back then), only to then disappear into thin air. WTF?

One of the pillars upon which I have been able to build my business is on predictability. Yes - I know that it’s impossible to have 100% certainty about how EVERYTHING is going to turn out, but I know what I have to do in order to bring people into my business and I know it’s something I can rely on every single month (this is what my clients want to learn from me the most too!). So, I get on a very personal level how NOT making sales can make you feel full of anxiety and wondering if this is what your business is going to look like moving ahead.

That’s why I’m sharing with you 4 reasons why you aren’t making sales AND how to immediately fix them. I also created a FREE training teaching you all of the secrets to building a successful business - trust me when I say, you DEFINITELY want to check it out as I uncover all the ways to help you increase your sales.

That being said, let’s look at the 4 reasons why it’s not happening.

reason #1: you are failing at positioning

If there’s something that is crucial for the success of your business and offers, it’s positioning. In the simplest terms, positioning is the way in which you are establishing your offer in the eyes of your audience. Meaning, how they view what you offer.

There are two essential parts of positioning that are fundamental in what you do: verbal and visual.

Verbally, you want to make sure that you are communicating your value so that your audience is extremely clear that they need what it is that you are offering. However, in order for you to communicate that value, you have to understand what it is that you really do. Mainly, you want to move away from being seen as a service provider and into being seen as an expert.

In other words, it’s very different for you to say that you are a fitness coach helping women lose weight than saying you are helping women become badasses, crush their fitness goals and build their dream bodies - like my clients BadassGRLboss. Essentially, both are talking about the same offer in completely different ways.  You want to make sure that you are focusing your communication on the big picture benefit you are helping others’ achieve. Otherwise, you become one of the bunch. And both you and I know that there’s a big, BIG bunch. There’s a TON of competition out there, and it’s your job as a business owner to differentiate yourself from everyone else.

Now, I’m going to come completely clean with you and let you know that when I was having a hard time making sales in my business, this is EXACTLY the reason. In fact, you can see what my old, old, website used to look like. I was communicating based on features and becoming just another service provider INSTEAD of talking about the benefits and the actual thing I was doing with my work.

How to fix this: Communicate based on VALUE, as in, understand what your customer is really buying from you and what the actual benefit of this really is.

The other part of positioning has to do with how you are visually representing yourself. If your brand looks generic, DIY (Do It Yourself), cheap, or, even worse - non-existent, this also isn’t helping you in positioning yourself as a solid offer. At the end of the day, humans make their decisions visually. That’s the truth. It takes us about 8 seconds to make a decision of whether or not something is right for us based upon how it looks.

So you want to make sure your brand is visually positioned like a premium brand. You want to make sure it looks as high-quality as the service you are offering.

How to fix this: Make sure your brand has the highest quality design and look and feel to make people’s perception of the work you do be higher and to position yourself as an expert.

reason #2: you are failing at uncovering the before

One of the exercises I do with my clients once we start working together is discovering what I call the ‘before’ of their audience. Essentially, we do as much research as we possibly can in order to TRULY discover who their audience really is and what is the pain or problem they are going through before working with them.

This exercise and discovery are crucial to everything that you do moving forward, because, if you don’t understand what your audience wants and you can’t uncover what they need, it’s going to be very difficult for you to create strong offers that really sell.

Now, because you don’t have clarity around your audience, you lack a true connection with them in your marketing. Real effective marketing strategies are the ones that make your ideal client stop on their tracks and say WOAH - how did this person know? You want to be really specific in your communication so that they realize that whatever you are selling has been created for them.

So a possible reason why you aren’t making sales is that, because you don’t truly understand their specific problems, they don’t get that what you are selling is for them. SO your communication and words are lacking connection and this comes through in your emails, your Facebook posts, your sales page or your sales calls.

You are saying things that are so generic, you aren’t making the pain of staying where they are strong enough for them to want to leave which results in you not making sales. #burn

How to fix this: Uncover the problem. Do the research and do the necessary work that will allow you to understand how much it’s costing your audience to stay where they are and how much they need you - and then make sure that through your communication, you make it clear to them.

In the free masterclass, I pretty much walk you through this process, so make sure you check it out right here.

reason #3: you are not being visible enough

Okay - I’mma be honest here, I made this mistake multiple times in the past. A few years ago I put out an offer thinking that people were going to JUMP my way because it was so amazing. I scheduled out 2 emails to my list and crossed my arms thinking, DONE! Of course, when NO SALES came, I felt frustrated and started questioning whether my offer was good enough.

I was venting to a coach friend, who told me “Fabi, what in you thinks that 2 emails are enough to make sales?” DUH. Obviously.

Here’s the thing, you want to make more sales? Get out there and get those sales. You already know what it is that you have to do. You have to put yourself out there. Constantly. Consistently. Without pause.

You need to show up with enthusiasm and energy every single day because you understand that this is something that people need from you. Get honest with yourself, are you doing enough? Now - of course, I’m not saying you need to hustle like a maniac or worse, stalk people to get them to buy from you, sending them a million private messages (please, tell me you aren’t doing this). What I AM saying is that you need to show up consistently and with intention to your community.

If you don’t have a community yet, you need to show up wherever you can: Instagram, Facebook lives, live networking events. You have to do the work.

At the end of the day, you need to be excited about what you are putting out there and sharing it from the bottom of your heart. But thinking that putting out 1-2 posts is enough to get sales - ESPECIALLY if what you offer is high-ticket, is insane.  

How to fix this: Show up. Get over the excuses you have created for yourself, and, even if you have no makeup on and you look crazy, just do it. Share stories, testimonials, videos, you name it - to get people to see what you are selling every single day.

reason #4: you are not building trust

Remember that whole story about how to get people to buy you need to make sure they go through the good ole KNOW > LIKE > TRUST? Yeah, well that’s not a story, that’s the truth. Building trust is essential for you to be able to make more sales. At the end of the day, when it comes to sales, trust = power. It means you leverage your strengths in order to be able to get them to understand that you can solve the problem they are going through.

Four reasons why building an email list will bring your clients and a guide with powerful ways to grow your audience. Digital marketing for business. Entrepreneurs. Fabi Paolini brand strategy. Branding

When someone is trying to make a decision about who they need to hire next, you can bet that they will choose someone they trust over anyone else, I mean, don’t you?

You build trust by generating and creating value. You build trust by taking advantage of your credibility and social proof. But, mostly, you build trust by showing your audience that you get them (see reason #2).

Now, this doesn’t mean that you need to spend years blogging and generating an insane amount of content in order to be seen. It does mean that you need to be intentional with the content you create. For example, most of my clients become my clients after hearing about me for the first time through my automated masterclass. It only takes me about an hour of giving them value and shifting their mindset in order for them to become clients paying me 5 figures, even if they haven’t been in my circle for a long time.

Yes - it’s THAT good of a masterclass, you can catch it right here.

How to solve this: You generate powerful content that brings people in. You leverage your strengths in order to build up your credibility and position yourself as the solution.

So that’s it! These are likely the 4 reasons why you aren’t making sales. Most of these can be resolved by signing up for the free masterclass I created which walks you through building a successful 6-figure business.

For me, making these 4 changes meant generating massive changes in my sales and creating the predictability I value so much.

Four reasons why you are not making sales in your business and how to fix them. Having a hard time making sales and attracting clients? Here's what to do. Small Business, entrepreneur. Fabi Paolini Brand Strategy Coach. Branding and digital marketing


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